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Entrepreneurship Day Praga

On June 27 and 28, 2023, the innovative solution "ASFALTO SICURO" made its official debut during the Entrepreneurship Day in Prague, an event organized by EUSPA that brought together entrepreneurs in search of new opportunities.

During the pitching session, the creators of "ASFALTO SICURO" presented the features and extraordinary potential of this revolutionary diagnostic solution to the audience. They illustrated how it can change the way we approach the monitoring and maintenance of road infrastructures.

The occasion was also precious for networking with other emerging entities in the field of technological innovation. Meetings and exchanges of ideas with other talented entrepreneurs stimulated the creation of further developments for "ASFALTO SICURO". These new insights and perspectives provided the opportunity to grow and enhance the product, both in terms of advanced functionalities and overall quality.

The positive feedback and prospects for future collaborations provided additional motivation to the team, who committed to continuing research and development of additional innovative features. The vision of a future where roads become safer and more sustainable thanks to this diagnostic solution spurred them to dedicate even more to the project.

With the goal of making "ASFALTO SICURO" a concrete reality accessible globally, the team embarked on a large-scale testing phase, involving both public and private entities.

Participation in the Entrepreneurship Day in Prague was a fundamental milestone in the journey of "ASFALTO SICURO". Thanks to this platform of visibility and the opportunities for growth and development it provided, the team is now more determined than ever to realize their dream of making roads safer and more efficient for everyone.


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Laboratory Of Key Innovations
LOKI s.r.l. startup innovativa
Asfalto Sicuro © Copyright 2023
P.iva 12976210018

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email: info@asfaltosicuro.com
phone: +39 3760128223